
Article No.3: "Skillful Mass Mobilisation" contributes to public peace

By thanhhuyen / DA NANG Today
August 31, 2024, 21:41 [GMT+7]



Various "skillful mass mobilisation" models have been effectively implemented by agencies, units, and localities, thereby promptly addressing legitimate demands of the public; and ensuring legal aid, public order, fire prevention, and firefighting right from the grassroots level. These efforts have played a crucial role in making Da Nang a peaceful and liveable city.


The "Mobile Citizen Support Group" model of skillful mass mobilisation was established in Hoa An Ward, Cam Le District, Da Nang, in early 2024, aimed at promptly addressing citizens' requests.

Although it is newly operational, the model has helped local authorities promptly listen to and address citizens' requests right from the grassroots, building public trust in the government.


On the morning of June 1, 2024, the "Mobile Citizen Support Group" in Hoa An Ward provided support to residents in Residential Areas Nos.1, 2, 3, and 8. 16 requests related to temporary residence registration, birth registration, allowances for dialysis patients, land use conversion, environmental issues, and street lighting were recorded by the group. Many of these issues were directly addressed by the ward authorities. Meanwhile, the group took on those beyond their authority to forward them to higher levels.

Mr. Le Quy Hieu, Head of Residential Group No.36, Hoa An Ward, Cam Le District, noted that the ward's "Mobile Citizen Support Group" model has significantly helped residents quickly and directly convey their requests. This initiative has also fostered closer, more friendly relations between the public and officials, thereby increasing public trust in the government.


Many local residents also appreciate the "Mobile Citizen Support Group" model. Previously, citizens had to submit their requests through the residential group or wait for mid-year or end-of-year residential group meetings to present their concerns. Since the model's implementation, residents have been able to directly present their requests to government leaders, allowing for quicker and more accurate resolutions.

Chairman of the People's Committee of Hoa An Ward, Mr. Nguyen Kim Thanh, stated that from January to April 2024, the ward's "Mobile Citizen Support Group" effectively and promptly resolved 69 out of 72 public requests received through Hotline 1022, achieving a 96% resolution rate. The group also provided legal explanations, conducted on-site inspections, and resolved all 25 complaints within the required timeframe, achieving a 100% resolution rate.


Similarly, over the past two years, hundreds of public requests and complaints in Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, have been received and addressed by the local government, associations, and mass organisations right at the grassroots level, minimising the occurrence of escalated complaints and contributing to the stability and socio-economic development of the locality. This success is attributed to the effective implementation of the "Mobile Citizen Support Group" model.

According to Ms. Ho Thi Cam Nhung, Chairwoman of the People's Committee of Hoa Xuan Ward, the ward has been developing along urbanisation lines in recent years, with a rapid annual increase in mechanical population growth. As a result, administrative procedures and public requests have risen, creating significant pressure on leadership and management.   


To better understand the situation and the needs of the public, on June 15, 2022, the People's Committee of Hoa Xuan Ward established the "Mobile Citizen Support Group" model to help citizens reflect on and present their legitimate concerns, as well as receive legal guidance in resolving administrative procedures without having to visit the ward's office during business hours.

The "Mobile Citizen Support Group" is organised by residential clusters, meeting once a month or quarter, on Saturdays or Sundays at community centres in residential areas. Leaders and officials collaborate with the residential area to survey the public's needs. The group directly advises, provides legal support, resolves issues, and handles citizens' requests according to a planned schedule.


To prevent fires and explosion from the grassroots level, in early 2018, the Veterans Association of Vinh Trung Ward, Thanh Khe District, implemented the "Community Firefighting Equipment Installation" model.

Mr. Ninh Cong Nhuong, Chairman of the Veterans Association of Vinh Trung Ward, stated that to effectively implement the model, the Veterans Association has intensified public awareness efforts in residential areas and residential groups, and encouraged residents to actively participate in fire prevention and choose associations with favourable conditions for initial implementation before expanding to the entire ward.


Initially, each association installed 4 fire extinguishers, then gradually expanded the initiative to the entire ward. In residential areas with many alleys or where associations have fewer members, the association encouraged the Party Committee, the Front Committee, the Residential Group's Management Board, and residents to contribute to the implementation of the model.

The Veterans Association of the ward, in collaboration with the Residential Groups, installed 60 boxes containing 120 fire extinguishers at 6 community centres and several alleyways for timely use in the event of a fire. To date, a total of 172 fire extinguishers have been installed in the entire ward.

The installation of fire extinguishers has been effective, promptly extinguishing many fires right at the grassroots level. For example, residents quickly extinguished fires at X.B Bakery in Vinh An A1 Residential Area, a house in Group 16, Vinh An A2, and several other incidents in Trung Hoa B, Vinh An B. Due to the model's effectiveness, the city has expanded it to 56 wards and communes, contributing to fire prevention efforts at the grassroots level. 


In Residential Area 12, Hoa Phat Ward, Cam Le District, a sense of peace prevails in every alley, corner, and clean street. This is the result of the "Safe Residential Area" model, which has been in place since 2021.

Mr. Tran Cong Dinh, Secretary of the Party Cell of Residential Area No.12, noted that the area comprised 4 residential groups, 545 households, and 2,023 residents, including 25 Party members. From the model's inception, the area has focused on promoting Party guidelines, State policies, and laws, fostering a spirit of unity within the community, and ensuring social welfare.

Thanks to careful, appropriate mobilisation efforts, the residential area has successfully met all assigned targets. All households handed over land for the Phuoc Ly 5 project on time; 42 security cameras were installed. As a result, public order has been maintained, the urban landscape is clean and beautiful, theft is non-existent, and residents live peacefully, supporting and sharing with one another.


In addition, the residential area successfully encouraged 100% of households to purchase fire extinguishers, and uphold proper practices in weddings, funerals, and festivals, thereby ensuring safety, frugality, and civility.

"The 'Safe Residential Area' model has greatly contributed to maintaining public order, social welfare, and building a cultural and civilised urban lifestyle in the area. It has stabilised residents' lives and helped the community thrive," said Mr. Tran Cong Dinh, Secretary of the Party Cell of Residential Area No.12.




Da Nang has 7 industrial parks, a hi-tech park, and a concentrated information technology park, with more than 60,000 workers, resulting in a high demand for rental housing. In recent years, the situation in worker dormitories has posed potential risks to public order due to the substandard conditions of the rooms and workers' negligence.

“Ensuring public order in worker dormitories and contributing to public order in the locality is a pressing concern for the Da Nang Labour Confederation and local authorities" shared Mr. Le Van Dai, Vice Chairman of the city's Labour Confederation.


In 2010, the Da Nang Labour Confederation piloted the "Self-managed worker group in rental housing" model in Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, and Tho Quang Ward, Son Tra District, which is then expanded across the city.

As recorded from Self-Managed Worker Group No. 1 in Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, led by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dung, who is leader of Residential Group No.37, landlord, and Head of the self-managed group, the sense of responsibility among workers has significantly improved.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dung noted "The boarding house has a large number of temporary workers. As a pilot Self-Managed Worker Group, we regularly remind workers to protect their own property. Especially when seeing strangers in the place, they must report to the landlord so that the situation can be monitored".

According to Mr Le Van Dai, the Management Board of the Self-Managed Worker Group consists of the landlord serving as the group leader and members representing the workers residing in the premises. The boards establish rules and regulations, which are widely disseminated within the boarding houses to ensure everyone is informed and actively participates in their implementation.



In response to the "All People Protect National Security" movement, the Executive Boards of the Self-managed Workers' Groups regularly remind workers to comply with the law and local regulations. Together with boarding house owners, they support the model "Rental Houses Free of Crime and Social Evils" initiated by the district police.

Each boarding house sets its own rules and regulations on residency, constantly reminding each other to raise their vigilance with the spirit of "self-management, self-defense, and self-protection," and actively participate in crime reporting and prevention of social evils.

Annually, the city’s Labour Federation organizes 20 to 30 propaganda sessions at these groups, while the district and local labour federations combine this with local outreach plans

"Over the past decade, the trade unions at all levels have organised more than 500 direct propaganda sessions at boarding houses about legal policies, urging workers to be alert to the plots and activities of hostile forces aimed at undermining the Party and the State, and fostering a spirit of solidarity, mutual support, and assistance in life for over 50,000 workers" said Mr. Dai.

Since September 2023, with the support and coordination of the municipal Department of Publci Security and district-level authorities, the city’s Labour Federation has comprehensively strengthened the model of "Self-managed Workers' Groups in Boarding Houses".

So far, the entire city has 69 groups in the districts of Lien Chieu, Son Tra, Cam Le, and Hoa Vang, with over 5,500 rooms and 10,600 workers actively participating.



Translating by TRUC VY

