The power of skillful mass mobilisation work, viewed from Da Nang

Article No.1: Mass mobilisation work - a "soft" solution to speed up site clearance

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 30, 2024, 17:18 [GMT+7]



Da Nang is responsible for site clearance and compensation for the Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan expressway project in Hoa Vang District which is invested by the Ministry of Transport.

To ensure the progress of handing over the project site, under the direction of the municipal Party Committee and People's Committee, and the support of authorities and agencies at all levels, Hoa Vang District has mobilised the entire political system to carry out the "skilled mass mobilisation" work, gradually achieving positive results.


In charge of the clearance and compensation work in Hoa Lien Commune, Hoa Vang District, Vice Chairman of Hoa Vang District People's Committee Phan Duy Anh and his working group organise meetings with residents at the headquarters of the communal People's Committee almost every week. As of early July, five households in Hoa Lien Commune affected by the project had not yet handed over their land for the investor because they had not agreed with the compensation options.

At the meeting with local residents on the morning of July 6, when listening to the households' requests, members of the working group relied on the regulations, in which they applied the regulations that are most beneficial to the people according to the 2024 Land Law. Thanks to that, three households agreed to hand over the land to the investor.

“This is a great effort made by the working group to mobilise and persuade residents to understand the guidelines and policies of the Party and State as well as the importance of the project. We will continue to persistently mobilise and persuade the remaining two households” Mr. Phan Duy Anh affirmed.

Mr. Phan Thanh Ha, residing in Tan Ninh Village, Hoa Lien Commune, has a house located in the Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan expressway project. Although he has lived there for many years, Mr. Ha agrees to hand over the land to the project’s investor because of the State's major policy.

By the end of June 2024, Mrs. Le Thi Rai, residing in Tan Ninh Village, was one of the households that had not yet handed over the land to the project’s investor. At the meeting with local citizens on July 6, after listening to the wishes, the working group led by Vice Chairman of the Hoa Vang District People's Committee Phan Duy Anh proceeded to resolve the matter according to regulations. Mrs. Rai agreed to the compensation option, and she signed the land handover minutes.

“We are very supportive of the policies of the State and the city. When we were informed and persuaded, and the local government responded to my family’s aspirations, I handed over the land for the project’s investor” Mrs. Rai said.

According to Chairman of the People's Committee of Hoa Lien Commune Le Duc Thuong, 150 households in the commune have been affected by the project. As of July 6, 145 out of the 150 households had their land handed over to the project’s investor. This is a very urgent national project, so the entire political system of Hoa Lien Commune has been involved in it resolutely and rhythmically.

Particularly, the Party Committee and Party cells of Hien Phuoc and Tan Ninh villages regularly publicise State policies and guidelines among people, and all people's suggestions are submitted to higher levels for timely resolution. In addition, the Women's Union of Hoa Lien Commune visits families to grasp their thoughts and aspirations, and provide information for people to understand regardless of the sun or rain, day or night.

The Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan Expressway project passing through Hoa Son Commune is 6.1km long, with 528 plots of land and many graves that need to be recovered. To implement the handover of the site on schedule, Chairman of Hoa Son Commune People's Committee Nguyen Duy Phuong said that the Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee of the commune have directed the political system from the commune to the village to step up propaganda among the public and pay special attention to citizen reception.

“Aside from organising regular meetings at least 3 days a week, local leaders meet with citizens at the project site. For those who are elderly and cannot come to the headquarters of the Hoa Son Commune People's Committee, local authorities visit their houses and pay compensation when they agree. With those methods, by the end of June 2024, the locality had cleared 5.4km out of the 6.1km and is making efforts to deploy the remaining work to complete the handover in accordance with regulations" Mr. Phuong said.

Vice Chairman of Hoa Vang District People's Committee Phan Duy Anh highlighted the importance of the early completion of the project in creating a driving force for the socio-economic development of the district and the city as a whole.

“Some days we have to meet with citizens in the evening or go to their homes in an effort to create the most favourable conditions for them. During the reception process, if the people agree, we will pay compensation, let them choose resettlement land, and even take them to see the land in person”.


Hoa Vang District People's Committee said that there are nearly 2,000 site clearance dossiers involving the Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan Expressway project and the project on completing approach roads.

A clearance dossier must be completed twice because the land plots were provided at two different times, so the site clearance work encountered many difficulties. The biggest problem is the lack of land for resettlement.

About 272 residential land records need nearly 792 plots of resettlement land, However, many resettlement areas do not have actual land, and the construction of new resettlement areas is underway.

In particular, there are no land for resettlement on site in Hoa Son Commune, so the municipal People's Committee has a policy to arrange resettlement land in neighbouring areas.

Chairman of Hoa Vang District People's Committee Phan Van Ton affirmed that, the site clearance is considered as a key task and responsibility of the entire political system. The Standing Board of the district’s Party Committee has directed Party committees, authorities, the Fatherland Front committees, and socio-political organisations at all levels to take drastic measures.

The Hoa Vang District People's Committee has also established three working groups for site clearance in charge of three communes. These groups are headed by the Chairman and two Vice Chairmen of the district People's Committee. The working groups directly organise meetings with residents to tackle site clearance issues at the headquarters of the People's Committees of the communes, and on-site issues weekly, even Saturdays and Sundays, to speed up progress.

Each of Hoa Son, Hoa Lien and Hoa Nhon commune establishes a working group. The group is involved in mobilising people to hand over their land, as well as dealing with compensation and resettlement for the remaining households.

The Hoa Vang District People's Committee has directed the three communes to regularly meet with people to promptly report problems to it for direction and resolution; as well as review, summarise and accurately and specifically count households with problems and identify problems in each case to have a solution. On that basis, the local authorities mobilise people affected by the project to hand over their land to accelerate the progress of the project.


Translating by MAI DUNG
