
AI applied in electrical construction supervision

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 30, 2021, 15:57 [GMT+7]

The Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) is promoting the research and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of computer vision, an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos, in order to identify and analyze field images.

The application of AI in image processing and recognition technology to inspect and analyze on-field images is an important activity that is supplemented with the automatic image control feature on the construction investment information management system - IMIS developed by the Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN).

IMIS provides breakthrough solutions such as storing construction images according to each location, each specific corner of the project. This image data warehouse is a useful tool to help investors control the construction situation in order to improve the quality of the work, reduce the cost of travelling to the target site as well as potential risks arising from construction works, promptly issue warnings for unsatisfactory images recorded at the construction site, thereby enhancing the at-work responsibility of construction units, especially underground parts of construction works.

Currently, EVNCPC is speeding up the research and application of AI in image processing and recognition technology to check and analyze field images. This is considered an important digital transformation step to help improve the efficiency of the project management.

Reporting by KHANH HOA – Translating by A.T
