
Drastic solutions needed for supporting enterprises and workers amid COVID-19 crisis

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 06, 2021, 16:32 [GMT+7]

Following the recently-concluded virtual ‘Business Dialogue’ which aimed to handle some issues of deep concern to Da Nang-based businesses, municipal government departments and agencies have continued to propose more prompt yet effective solutions to support businesses quickly recover the COVID-19 pandemic.

Production activities pictured at the Da Nang branch of the Vinatex International JSC located in the Hoa Khanh Industrial Park. Photo by P.V
Production activities pictured at the Da Nang branch of the Vinatex International JSC located in the Hoa Khanh Industrial Park. Photo by P.V

Easier access to capital for enterprises

The Authority of Da Nang’s Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks (IPs) has been planning to reduce infrastructure use fees for businesses operating in the Hi-Tech Park and IPs.

In addition, the Authority has just sent an official dispatch which asks the private infrastructure developers in IPs to cut down infrastructure use fees by 25% in 2021 for IP businesses.

Up to now, the Saigon - Da Nang Investment JSC, the investor of both the expanded Hoa Khanh IP and the Lien Chieu IP, has agreed to reduce the fees by 25% for enterprises paying the fees on time as stipulated in the contract.

Meanwhile, the Massda Land Co., Ltd., the investor of the Da Nang Industrial Park, has extended the deadlines for infrastructure use fee payments until December 31, 2021.

Mr. Pham Truong Son, Head of the Authority of the city’s Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks, remarked his unit has recently submitted their plans on reducing infrastructure use fees for businesses operating in the Hi-tech Park, and State and private investors-invested IPs to the People’s Committee for consideration.

Director of the city’s Development Investment Fund Nguyen Thanh Tam said a handful of measures would be carried out in a bid to support its customers affected by COVID-19, and facilitate micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to access the fund's loans. Additionally, the fund will implement restructuring loan repayment period and slashing interest rates for customers impacted by the coronavirus crisis.

Simultaneously, the fund will launch preferential credit packages for businesses in the coming time in order to help them restore production and business.

In the photo are workers at the 29 March Textiles and Garment Company. Photo by KHANH HOA
In the photo are workers at the 29 March Textiles and Garment Company. Photo by KHANH HOA

Proposals to support testing costs and promote goods circulation

With regard to labourers, Da Nang is continuing to support workers who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 but were not entitled to unemployment insurance, or were working without employment contracts.

As of September 28, the Da Nang government had provided financing worth VND 20.44 billion to 13,810 people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the city. Meanwhile, district-level authorities had spent VND 18.43 billion on supporting 12,689 needy people.

Director of the municipal Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Dang Hoang remarked his agency has been ramping up efforts to support those who are eligible for receiving unemployment benefits after losing their jobs due to the impact of COVID-19 in tandem with expanding effectively on-the-spot job training and creation models in localities.

At the ‘Business Dialogue’, businesses in the city said the cost of COVID-19 testing  a big burden for them. Additionally, the issues of circulation of goods and credit support were put in the spotlight at the event.

In an effort to deal with the problems, the municipal authorities have asked the Department of Health to propose a policy and mechanism to support COVID-19 testing costs. Meanwhile, the Department of Transport has been required to make some suggestions about appropriate solutions to ensure smooth circulation of goods.

Reporting by MAI QUE - Translating by M.DUNG
