
Da Nang focuses on site clearance for large projects

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 21, 2022, 11:01 [GMT+7]

Da Nang’s districts are, at present, focusing on resources to remove bottlenecks in the work of compensation and site clearance for projects, especially key and large ones in order to put into use them on schedule in service for development needs.

The removal of bottlenecks in the work of compensation and site clearance helps speed up the construction progress of key and dynamic projects. The construction of the project of upgrading and renovating the DT 601 route is progressing. Photo: THANH LAN
The removal of bottlenecks in the work of compensation and site clearance helps speed up the construction progress of key and dynamic projects. The construction of the project of upgrading and renovating the DT 601 route is progressing. Photo: THANH LAN

Many construction works and projects have been put into use on schedule to serve development needs.
In 2022, Hoa Vang District targets to implement 54 projects. Currently, projects in the district account for about two thirds the total projects in the city.

Most of the land plots that are acquired for the implementation of the project are agricultural land.
The district continues to carry out site clearance for major and key projects such as DH2 Road from Hoa Nhon to Hoa Son communes, upgrading and expanding the DT 601 Route, Western Ring Road, a resettlement area in the center of Hoa Bac Commune, and similar ones serving the clearance of the Western Ring Road and Hoa Nhon Industrial Cluster Project, the route connecting Tan Ninh resettlement area to the extended Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, Western Ring Road, and eco-villa area west of the Hai Van South Bypass, an eco-villa area by the Truc Dong Lake and  the Quan Nam - Thuy Tu ecological urban area.

Mobilising people to accompany the city's policy

In Lien Chieu District, there are more than 50 projects deployed in 3 groups with thousands of documents subject to clearance and resentment.

Specifically, in order to speed up the site clearance of the Lang Van integrated resort and entertainment complex project, despite facing difficulties, adverse weather conditions and the COVID-19 impacts, the Lien Chieu functional forces are gearing up site clearance work.

 The localities are flexibly implementing many measures to speed up the completion of site clearance projects.  The project to upgrade and renovate the Western Ring Road is underway. Photo: THANH LAN
The localities are flexibly implementing many measures to speed up the completion of site clearance projects. The project to upgrade and renovate the Western Ring Road is underway. Photo: THANH LAN

Along with that, at the Northwestern Axis 1 project, at the Hoang Thi Loan - Ho Tung Mau intersection to National Highway 1A after a long time of stagnation due to ground clearance problems, the construction progress is being accelerated.

Meanwhile, in a similar positive move, the project of an urgent strategic national defense route serving the military and people's lives in Lien Chieu District has restarted.

Through recent survey, land clearance work has been accelerated for the development of a number of projects such as the Nam O eco-tourism area, the expansion project of SHB football training centre, West Ring Road 2 in order to create the best conditions for investors, contractors and construction units to soon have land premises for construction.

Reporting by THANH LAN – Translating by A.THU
