
Central Power Corporation shows readiness in response to typhoon Noru

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 26, 2022, 21:38 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang-based Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) said on Monday that it has completed the preparatory works in response to typhoon Noru which is about 580km east of the Hoang Sa (Paracel) Islands.

Leaders of EVNCPC checking preparatory works for typhoon Noru. Photo: KHANH HOA
Leaders of EVNCPC checking preparatory works for typhoon Noru. Photo: KHANH HOA

The units under EVNCPC have established 28 teams with 764 people, 98 vehicles, 668 safety equipment and construction tools, and 159 temporarily assembled iron poles involved in order to be ready for overcoming the consequences of the storm.

EVNCPC requires its member power companies and the Central Power Service Company to review the plan for natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue under the ‘four-on-the-spot’ model, as well as update and adjust closely to the actual situation of the typhoon Noru.

Special attention has been paid to inspecting the infrastructure of private-use telecommunications systems and information technology to ensure the safety of communication in service of production and business activities when the city is affected by natural disasters.

Directors of units direct relevant departments to absolutely ensure the safety of employees. Only when the weather is stable, the damage inspection and restoration of power supply will be carried out, especially in low-lying, highland and mountainous areas at risk of landslides, flash floods, pipe floods and other hazards.

Top priority will be given to overcoming the typhoon aftermath at administrative centres, water supply plants, hospitals, and army and police stations as soon as possible to serve the operation.

For places with post-hurricane damage, power companies plan to deploy a field inspection programme to tally the damage. At the same time, more drones will be used to support the tally and statistics of damage in hard-to-reach locations so that the tally, and the repair and restoring of the power grid and power supply can be done quickly and promptly if any damage situation occurs.

Reporting by KHANH HOA - Translating by M.DUNG
