Tuesday, 25/3/2025 18:56 [GMT+7]
Da Nang 24 - 31 ºC

Car repair garages in Da Nang busy with big rise in number of broken-down vehicles due to floodwaters

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 17, 2023, 18:21 [GMT+7]

Currently, many motorbike and car repair and maintenance garages across Da Nang are overloaded as the number of broken-down cars waiting for repair and maintenance services has increased by 1.5-2 times compared to normal days.

An increasing number of motorbikes and cars are taken to garages for repair and warranty
An increasing number of motorbikes and cars are taken to garages for repair and warranty

During the prolonged heavy rain, many parts of the city were flooded, causing damage to motorbikes and cars.

Mrs. Hoang Thi Lan, a resident of Hoa An Ward, Cam Le District, shared that most of car repair garages were crowded at weekends. The repair costs charged by many shops are 20-50% higher than usual.

For example, motorbike oil change service normally costs from VND110,000-140,000/bottle for scooters, but the price now ranges from VND150,000-170,000/bottle. Service of checking and connecting electrical wires in cars usually costs VND90,000 and VND100,000, an increase of about VND50,000 in comparison with normal days.

As recorded at some motorbike repair shops in Lien Chieu and Cam Le districts, the number of motorbikes registering for checkups and repair increased 2-4 times compared to normal days.

Mr. Ho Quang Linh, the owner of a motorbike repair shop on Me Suot Street, Hoa Khanh Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District, said that on October 15 and 16, the number of vehicles increased four times compared to usual days.

“Due to a surge increase in the number of vehicles, my staff have to increase their working productivity to more than 14 hours per day to serve customer needs” he added.

Mr. Hoang Dai Huu, the owner of the Dai Duong auto repair garage in Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District, said that he has received 3-4 cars having water-triggered damage per day.

According to many owners of repair shops and garages, the number of damaged vehicles this year is less than last year’s because people have been wary of flood situations as well as equipped with basic knowledge. This helps vehicle owners save a lot on repair costs.

Common errors on motorbikes are broken ignition system, water getting in engine, and electrical short circuit.
Common errors on motorbikes are broken ignition system, water getting in engine, and electrical short circuit.
A broken down car was towed by a crane truck to the garage for repair.
A broken down car was towed by a crane truck to the garage for repair.
It often takes a lot of time to repair vehicles with water getting in engine
It often takes a lot of time to repair vehicles with water getting in engines

Reporting by CHIEN THANG - Translating by M.DUNG
