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RON95 gasoline price drop for third consecutive time

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 30, 2023, 18:37 [GMT+7]

The retail price of RON95 gasoline was adjusted down according to the general world trend, whilst that of RON92 gasoline increased slightly, from 3:00pm on Thursday in the latest adjustment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.

RON95 gasoline price decreased slightly on the afternoon of November 30. Photo: CHIEN THANG
RON95 gasoline price decreased slightly on the afternoon of November 30. Photo: CHIEN THANG

Specifically, the price of RON95 gasoline decreased by VND34 per litre to VND22,990 per litre, and that of RON92 gasoline was adjusted to VND21,799 per litre, a rise of VND109 per litre.

Meanwhile, retail prices of oil products also fluctuated when diesel oil declined by VND87 per litre to VND20,196. Kerosene price is sold at the price of VND21,116 per litre, an increase of VND172. The price of mazut increased by VND91 per kilo to VND15,729.

The ministries decided not to deduct prices of different types of gasoline and oil for the national gasoline price stabilisation fund and refrain from using the fund.

Since the beginning of the year, domestic fuel prices have seen 33 adjustments, with 17 up, 12 down, and 4 unchanged.

Reporting by CHIEN THANG - Translating by M.DUNG
