
Transforming strong aspirations into driving force for Da Nang development

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 25, 2023, 18:32 [GMT+7]

Addressing the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, on Saturday, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha highly appreciated the outstanding achievements achieved by Da Nang along its development journey. At the same time, it was highly recommended that the city could quickly transform strong aspirations into development motivation.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha spoke at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050. Photo: THANH LAN
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha delivers his remarks at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050. Photo: THANH LAN

As assessed by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, Da Nang is well known as a beautiful coastal city with a particularly important strategic location, showing off lots of potential and advantages in socio-economic development, and national defence and security.

The city is the East - West Economic Corridor’s eastern gateway to the Pacific Ocean, and it is conveniently connected to other economic centres of the region and located on the Central World Heritage Road with Phong Nha - Ke Bang, Hue Imperial Citadel City, Hoi An, My Son Sanctuary with rich tourism potential, especially eco-resort beach tourism and also many landscapes, monuments, traditional festivals and historical places.

The people of Da Nang have a tradition of revolutionary heroes, the will to be self-reliant, self-reliant, dynamic, creative, friendly, hospitable, and especially the pride and desire to rise up to build their homeland more modern.

The above-mentioned facts do confirm that Da Nang has outstanding and distinct potential, advantages and opportunities for sustainable development, acting as one of the country's growth centres.

Promoting those potentials and advantages, after 15 years of implementing Resolution 33 of the Politburo on building and developing Da Nang with the spirit, drastic actions, new and creative changes, Da Nang has risen strongly, becoming a city with the highest urban modernisation rate in Viet Nam, creating a miracle in socio-economic development.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha emphasized that the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision towards 2050 is built with a breakthrough thinking, long-term vision based on distinct potential, emerging opportunities, superiority and competitive advantages.

The Master Plan also concretizes the Politburo's policy in Resolution 43, and represents the aspirations of the people of Da Nang for a livable city, a major socio-economic centre of Viet Nam and the world as a whole.

Da Nang will play the role as a central urban area of the urban chain and growth pole in the Northern Central, Central Coastal, and Northern Central Highlands regions

The city will be a centre for innovative startups, tourism, trade, finance, logistics, hi-tech industry, and information technology; being one of the centres of culture, sports, education and training, high quality healthcare, science and technology development in Viet Nam.

“The Master Plan will open up new opportunities and development spaces for Da Nang which is expected to create new momentum to continue creating the second miracle of socio-economic development with its pillars.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung and the Da Nang leaders award investment certificates to businesses and investors at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.  Photo: HOANG HIEP
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung and the Da Nang leaders award investment certificates to investors at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Photo: HOANG HIEP

The knowledge economy with two spearheads should be considered to be a new resource for creating breakthroughs by deploying the construction of hi-tech industrial centers associated with building creative urban areas, and starting up information technology, electronics and telecommunications are associated with the digital economy; along with building up eco-tourism and culture with uniqueness, differences and outstanding values.

The high-quality service centre with two spearheads: seaports and the airport associated with logistics services and an urban ecosystem of an aerotropolis, a port city and a regional-level financial centre.

It is high time for the city to urgently develop a specific plan to allocate resources, clearly define responsibilities and implementation progress to realise the Master Plan.  Along with that, it is necessary to publicly announce priority projects that are attractive to large investors.

The city also needs to create breakthrough policy mechanisms, focus on administrative reform, develop e-government and smart cities with a spirit of innovation.

Along with the digital transformation of society, the digital economy and businesses, it is a must-do for the city to promulgate green standards and technology investment rate in attracting investment flows to accelerate the process of model transformation, in-depth growth, taking knowledge economy, green economy, circular economy and digital economy as the focus. This is the driving force to increase productivity and innovation for the city’s development, strengthening cooperation and linking regional economic development with provinces and cities in the Northern Central and the Central Coastal regions.

The city should set a sight on prioritising investment in key driving projects, especially infrastructure related to its seaports and airport. All of these projects are very pervasive, creating new space for development and new driving forces promote the city's development in a civilised, modern and sustainable direction.

Along with that, heed should be paid to deploying traffic technical infrastructure projects combined with urban areas, infrastructure serving industrial zones, industrial parks, social infrastructure, and urgent information technology projects to cope up with natural disasters, climate changes, ensure environmental protection, innovation, national defence and security.

“To carry out the above-mentioned tasks, human resources are very important, so the city needs to continue to invest in more research and training centres.”, emphasised Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha.

This is a breakthrough and important task to focus on developing human resources and attracting talents. In parallel with that, the city should promote innovation and scientific and technological applications and considering this as a breakthrough driving force, with an emphasis on tourism, processing industry, manufacturing, semiconductors, logistics, seaports and green economic sectors.

Last, but not least, the city should strongly develop an ecosystem of creative startups connecting with universities, research institutes and businesses to promote research and scientific and technological applications, with a focus on fostering cultural and human development, improving the quality of people's lives, protecting the environment, and rationally using natural resources to continue building Da Nang into a world-class livable city as highly hoped.

“The key to Da Nang's success lies in its ability to mobilise extremely strong human resources. We hold a strong belief that Da Nang could achieve miracles in development with the spirit of solidarity, dynamism, creativity, innovation made by the city’s government, people and investors operating in the city. In particular, the new projects awarded investment certificates at the announcement ceremony of the Master Plan showed a very good start which further strengthens the belief in developing Da Nang as set out in the Master Plan”. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha expressed his expectations.

Da Nang Party Secretary Nguyen Van Quang delivers a closing speech at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050. Photo: THANH LAN
Da Nang Party Secretary Nguyen Van Quang delivers a closing speech at the announcement ceremony of the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050. Photo: THANH LAN

On his part, Da Nang Party Committee Secretary cum Head of the city's delegation of National Assembly deputies Nguyen Van Quang emphasized that the city would urgently concretize the implementation of the Master Plan to ensure requirements and quality.

The Da Nang government will pay attention and create the best possible conditions in the implementation process for investors and businesses, especially projects that are in accordance with the Master Plan. At the same time, the city will continue to promote the reform of administrative procedures, build favourable and legal mechanisms and policies for the process of attracting investment into the city in accordance with the orientations set out in Resolution No. 43, Resolution No. 26 adopted by the Politburo and Resolution of the 22nd Congress of the Da Nang Party Committee.

Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh speaks at the ceremony. Photo: THANH LAN
Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh speaks at the ceremony. Photo: THANH LAN

In Decision No. 128 dated November 2, 2023 of the Prime Minister, the goals for the city have been determined in Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 of becoming a large, ecologically smart, unique, and sustainable urban area at an international level. The city maintains its role as a focal point for connection and development with regional and international urban networks as an international tourism centre associated with an international event centre, a high-tech industrial, information technology, innovation start-up, international financial centre on a regional scale and a livable coastal city reaching the Asian level.

“This is an important legal basis that creates a solid corridor for the city's sustainable development in the coming time. At the same time, it is the foundation to continue to promote the local potential and strengths, ensuring the completion of growth goals in the right direction and achieving the highest efficiency in the shortest time", emphasized Da Nang People's Commitee Chairman Le Trung Chinh.

The city is on right track to promote investment attraction activities, approaching and inviting domestic and foreign investors to develop new projects in the city. As of November 15, 2023, the city had issued new and adjusted investmetn policy decisions and investment registration certificates for 40 projects with a total registered investment capital of nearly VND 47,000 billion, attracting nearly US$ 200 million worth of FDI capital.
On the basis of summarizing and evaluating socio-economic results in 2023, the city is building a socio-economic development plans for 2024.

Reporting by THANH LAN, HOANG HIEP - Translating by A.THU
