
Da Nang engineer passionate about innovation

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 24, 2023, 10:25 [GMT+7]

In an effort to increase labour productivity to have high quality products, competitive prices and reduce labour waste for workers, improving machinery and equipment with high quality technical content is always the priority solution.

Mr. Nguyen Van Trung (middle, front row) was honoured to be awarded the Nguyen Duc Canh Award in 2023 by the Viet Nam General Labour Confederation.
Mr. Nguyen Van Trung (middle, front row) was honoured to be awarded the Nguyen Duc Canh Award in 2023 by the Viet Nam General Labour Confederation.

With that kept in mind, in less than 10 years spent working for the company, Mr. Nguyen Van Trung, an engineer at Da Nang-based 29-3 Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company, has acquired a huge "fortune" of technical innovation initiatives, bringing worth billions of VND.

Graduating from the Da Nang University of Science and Technology in 2012, Trung joined the 29-3 Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company in 2015, working in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Investment and Environment.

In May 2016, he was transferred to the Electromechanical Group of Veston 2 Factory with many complex equipment invested and developed by the company. Together with many colleagues, Trung has many initiatives, improvements and useful solutions to develop production, helping the company have many stable orders.

“I realise that increasing labour productivity through labour or improving workers' operations is only limited. If you want to have high quality products, competitive product prices and to save workers from wasting energy, the only way is to improve machinery and many devices with high quality technical content, Trung expressed his opinion.

With this mindset, Trung has used all his knowledge and abilities to apply it at work. Over the past years, he has had many useful initiatives, improvements and solutions with quite high technical complexity, creativity, meeting production requirements, contributing to increasing productivity and reducing costs.

There have been many initiatives in the emulation movement such as adding the press plate control programme on the BRI-905 press (2017); improving steam button press to make it more compact (2017); Vancum suction system for stamping machine (2018); needle change call bell system (2018); changing electric heater for Macpi suction table (2019); researching pneumatic automatic opening and locking sets at Veston 2 Factory (2020).

Along with research and creativity, Trung always actively supports his colleagues, trains, mentors, fosters, as well as helps his colleagues improve their professional qualifications. At the same time, he does not hesitate to coordinate with colleagues in emulating innovations and technical improvements. Notably, in 2020, he and his colleagues launched a product that installed software to link the company-wide fire alarm system located at the company gate. In 2021, there was an initiative to warn of low steam pressure for machines that use hot steam or compressed air.

In addition, Trung actively coordinates with the Garment Technical Department to research and improve and regularly repair electronic circuit boards and specialised equipment. Sharing about this, Mr. Trung said: “Coordination and support for each other at work is a good way and should be done. If mutual coordination brings efficiency to the company and contributes to collective benefits, then it really needs to be promoted. Because of that, my colleagues and I always try to bring values to the company”.

With his seriousness in work, efforts in creativity and exemplary leadership in the emulation movement, Trung was honoured to win the title of Creative Worker in the patriotic emulation movement in 2019 by the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour.

He is also a typical example of the patriotic emulation movement of local workers, officials, and labourers in the 2015 - 2020 period, praised by the Da Nang Labour Federation.

He is an advanced example in the city's patriotic emulation movement awarded by the Da Nang People’s Committee. In 2022, he was received a certificate of merit from Da Nang People's Committee Chairman for his outstanding achievements in the 6th good and creative labor emulation movement in 2022.

With a legacy of innovation, innovation and commendable achievements at all levels and sectors, the company's Trade Union proposed and Nguyen Van Trung was honoured to be awarded the Nguyen Duc Canh Award 2023 by the Viet Nam General Labour Confederation. That is Nguyen Van Trung's personal honor and the pride of the whole company.

Sharing about the Nguyen Duc Canh Award, Trung said he was very happy and proud because  this was the motivation for him to continue trying to do his duty better. In particular, returning to work at the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Investment and Environment is an opportunity to satisfy his creative passion, hoping to have more initiatives and technical improvements to help workers relieve hardship at work and bring profits to the company.

Reporting by HA LAM - Translating by A.THU
