
Da Nang supports businesses to access Halal market

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 23, 2024, 17:31 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang Department of Industry and Trade, in coordination with the Asia-Africa Market Department, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Viet Nam Halal Certification Office recently organised a seminar ‘Halal market prospects and solutions to access Halal market’ to support units, organisations and businesses to grasp information about the markets of Muslim countries, Halal certification requirements for the hospitality industries.

Guests from the Indian market attend a conference in Da Nang. Photo: THU HA
Guests from the Indian market attend a conference in Da Nang. Photo: THU HA

The  event aimed to help businesses expand exports to the Halal market, attracting Muslim tourists to the city in the coming time, contributing to the effective implementation of the project ‘Strengthening international cooperation to develop Viet Nam’s Halal industry until 2030’.

According to the Da Nang Department of Industry and Trade, export activities are also Da Nang’s strength with key export products, typical and OCOP (One Commune -One Product programme) products, Da Nang is considered to have potential in promoting exports to Muslim countries and can attract tourists from these foreign markets.

To be able to access the Halal market, building infrastructure, supply chains, and ensuring compliance with Halal regulations and standards are issues for exporters as well as tourism service providers.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by A.THU
