
Da Nang strives to accelerate digital transformation in 2022

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 26, 2022, 09:58 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang government has issued a plan to implement digital transformation tasks in the locality in 2022.

Accordingly, the city eyes to the rate of the online public services handled at level 4, the highest level in Viet Nam’s online public service system, at 100%, online public services with arising records at 85%; online applications at 65%; and the digitisation of dossiers and results of administrative procedures at 100%.

Also, the proportion of the digital economy in the city’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is set to reach 12%, whilst that of ICT industry in GRDP will be 8.7%, the rate of enterprises using e-invoices with 100% and the proportion of e-commerce revenue with 10%.

In terms of digital society, the percentage of people aged 15 and over with smartphones will be approximately 100%; and 5G service coverage at 20%. The percentage of people with unique medical ID codes and personal electronic health records will reach 100%.

All of the local students will hold ID codes and electronic school records and 100% of the schools will implement cashless online tuition payment. The percentage of digital workers in the workforce will reach 4.5%.

Moreover, the municipal People's Committee will implement specific tasks in developing digital infrastructure, digital data, digital human resources, digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

The municipal Department of Industry and Trade will be responsible for implementing a project to survey and assess the readiness for smart production. and pilot smart factories in a number of key industries in the city.

The municipal Department of Tourism will pilot the issuance of smart travel cards and develop new tourism products to attract domestic and international tourists, thereby contributing to creating a new driving force for the city to drive its post-pandemic tourism recovery.

The local Department of Transport will continue to develop the intelligent parking monitoring and management system, and detect and handle parking violations through smart surveillance cameras, as well as pilot implementation of Mobile Money online payment method for parking fee collection application.

The Department of Health will continue ensuring that each citizen has an electronic health record according to the standards and regulations of the Ministry of Health which will be applied during medical examinations and treatment.

Reporting by PHONG LAN - Translating by M.DUNG
