
Vital role of scientists, researchers in Da Nang's scientific and technological development

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 16, 2024, 18:54 [GMT+7]

Scientists and researchers play a pivotal role in promoting the local scientific and technological development, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong said at a ceremony held on Thursday to honour organizations and individuals for outstanding achievements in science, technology and innovative start-up activities in 2023.

Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong speaking at the ceremony
Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong speaking at the ceremony

Vice Chairman Cuong expressed his impression on positive changes in research activities, scientific and technological applications and innovative startups in the city, which promoted the people's great intellectual potential in production and life activities.

Da Nang has been honoured with the title "Attractive city for innovative startups" by the Vietnam Software and Information Technology Services Association for three consecutive years; and the title "Typical locality in building a startup ecosystem" by the Viet Nam Federation of Commerce and Industry.

The city is considered one of the localities with outstanding contributions to the national innovation startup ecosystem by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The city leader highly appreciated the role of science, technology and innovation in the city's development.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Tran Chi Cuong (3rd, right) agiving Certificates of Merit to authors and groups of authors of inventions and useful solutions. Photo: VAN HOANG
Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Tran Chi Cuong (3rd, right) agiving Certificates of Merit to authors and groups of authors of inventions and useful solutions. Photo: VAN HOANG

He also directed the municipal Department of Science and Technology and relevant units to prioritise resource allocation and create conditions for scientists, creative start-up organizations, and individuals, to promote intelligence and innovation in production and life.

In addition to existing policies, the city is coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to develop specific policies on city development. The policy contents have been agreed by the central government, and approved by the National Assembly Standing Committee, including many breakthrough policies on science, technology and innovation.

Mr. Cuong hoped that experts and scientists will continue to research, promote the application of science and technology into practice, boost the commercialisation of research results, and associate research results with innovative start-up activities, thereby contributing to the local socio-economic development, and building Da Nang into one of the major socio-economic centers of the country and Southeast Asia.

9 collectives and 9 individuals were honoured with outstanding achievements in startup and innovation activities in 2023
9 collectives and 9 individuals were honoured with outstanding achievements in startup and innovation activities in 2023

It is known that in 2023, the municipal Department of Science and Technology received 375 applications for award consideration. This activity aimed to encourage scientific research and technological development, as well as honour organisations and individuals who have actively contributed to scientific and technological activities, thereby contributing to foster the local socio-economic development.

At the ceremony, Vice Chairman Cuong awarded Certificates of Merit from the Chairman of the municipal People's Committee to the authors and author groups of 2 inventions and 4 useful solutions granted protection certificates; 6 projects winning the Viet Nam Science and Technology Innovation Award; 47 articles published in prestigious scientific journals; 9 individuals and 9 groups with excellent achievements in innovative start-up activities in 2023.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
