
Two decades of remarkable change

Published: January 29, 2017

Over the past 2 decades, since Da Nang was recognised as a centrally-governed city on 1 January 1997, the city has seen numerous changes in its architecture and urban landscapes.

Here are some photos which reflect some of the city’s significant developments.

A small ferry carrying passengers across the Han River in the past …
A small ferry carrying passengers across the Han River in the past …
… is now replaced by numerous beautiful bridges.
… is now replaced by numerous beautiful bridges.
 In the past, the Nai Hien Dong Ward on the east bank of the Han River looked sleazy with many stilt houses …
In the past, the Nai Hien Dong Ward on the east bank of the Han River looked sleazy with many stilt houses …
 … but it is now a modern and civilised urban area.
… but it is now a modern and civilised urban area.
Local road users often faced traffic chaos when a train passed through the Hue T-junction …
Local road users often faced traffic chaos when a train passed through the Hue T-junction …
   … but the situation has changed thanks to the construction of the 3-storey Hue T-junction overpass, the most modern of its kind in Viet Nam.
… but the situation has changed thanks to the construction of the 3-storey Hue T-junction overpass, the most modern of its kind in Viet Nam.
  In the past, a bridge area on Le Duan street faced problems of severe environmental pollution and social evils …
In the past, a bridge area on Le Duan street faced problems of severe environmental pollution and social evils …
     … but it has now become a busy specialised shopping area.
… but it has now become a busy specialised shopping area.
The Rong Lagoon in Hai Chau District's Thuan Phuoc Ward was one of the city’s most polluted hotspots 20 years ago …
The Rong Lagoon in Hai Chau District's Thuan Phuoc Ward was one of the city’s most polluted hotspots 20 years ago …
… now it has turned into a modern residential area with beautiful houses and spacious parks.
… now it has turned into a modern residential area with beautiful houses and spacious parks.
 In the past, Cam Le District’s Hoa Xuan Ward was frequently affected by floods, causing the loss of life and property …
In the past, Cam Le District’s Hoa Xuan Ward was frequently affected by floods, causing the loss of life and property …
    … now it is home to a modern residential area, and the living conditions of local residents have been enhanced significantly.
… now it is home to a modern residential area, and the living conditions of local residents have been enhanced significantly.
 Small and dangerous winding roads to the Ba Na Hills in the past.
Small and dangerous winding roads to the Ba Na Hills in the past.
 The Ba Na Hills Resort today is one of the country’s most modern and synchronous tourist attractions.
The Ba Na Hills Resort today is one of the country’s most modern and synchronous tourist attractions.


