
City will strive to reach the year's targets

Published: July 02, 2014

The 16th Conference of the Da Nang Party Committee (PC) took place on Tuesday to review the city’s performance over the first 6 months of this year, and to identify ways to reach this year’s socio-economic targets.  The event was chaired by the Secretary of the PC, Mr Tran Tho.

Between January and June, Da Nang’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 9.13% year-on-year.  The city saw a considerable increase year-on-year in the values of local industrial production, trade, services, tourism and export activities.  Over the past 6 months, local agricultural production remained stable, and the city’s programme for upgrading local rural areas was promoted.  Thanks to the great efforts of the local authorities, the city gained positive results in budget collection, especially from tax and fee collections, fulfilling over 52% of the year’s estimate.  During the review period, over 16,000 jobs were created for local residents.  In addition, the city took back a total of 22ha of under-used or unused land at local industrial parks.  The revoked land will be leased to businesses which make commitments to use the land for production activities.

 Secretary Tho addressing the event
Secretary Tho addressing the event

Despite the context of the complicated situation in the East Sea, the city’s Customs Department has so far collected 1,206 billion VND from import and export taxes, fulfilling 53.6 % of the year’s target. 

In his closing speech, Secretary Tho stressed the need to focus on implementing 20 key tasks over the remaining months of the year.  In detail, top priority will be given to increasing budget collections by about 10%, as well as ensuring the on-schedule implementation, quality and aesthetics of the city’s key construction works.  In addition, local authorities will make every effort to officially inaugurate the city’s new Administration Centre on 2 September, and the Hue T-junction overpass on 29 March 2015.  Special attention will be paid to promptly promoting the infrastructure development at the city’s hi-tech zone, in combination with appealing for 2 Japanese businesses to invest in the zone.  Meanwhile, plans for accelerating site clearance and compensation for the Da Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway project will be made.  As for the other tasks, the city will continue to issue 1.5 trillion VND-worth of government bonds, and feasible measures will be taken to allocate resettlement land lots to local displaced families affected by the city’s development projects as soon as possible.

Also at the event, Secretary Tho recommended 4 different locations for setting off fireworks at both the inner-city and rural areas to celebrate the 2015 New Lunar Year’s Eve.

