
State President suggests ways to boost spearhead economic sectors

Published: July 04, 2014

During his 2-day working visit to Da Nang, State President Truong Tan Sang met with some of the city’s key leaders on Thursday afternoon.  Together they discussed ways to foster the city’s socio-economic progress with a focus on promoting the maritime economy and urban development.

The Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee, Mr Van Huu Chien, said that the city’s fisheries sector is one of the spearhead economic aspects for boosting the development of the maritime economy.  Currently, there are 1,286 fishing vessels in the city.  Among them are 106 boats over 400 hp, and 253 over 90 hp.  The city’s sea catch output has reached between 35,000 and 40,000 tonnes per year.  Furthermore, over recent years the local authorities have issued numerous preferential policies for supporting local fishermen.

State President Sang and some of the city’s leaders
State President Sang and some of the city’s leaders

Meanwhile, the city has also seen a rapid growth in its tourism sector, with top priority given to promoting its maritime economy. In addition, special attention has been paid to appealing for more investments in the local maritime tourism infrastructure.  

President Sang spoke highly of the great efforts made by the local authorities to help the city gain remarkable achievements in its spearhead economic sectors.   He added that it is essential to find ways to increase sea catch output, seek seafood consumer markets, and generate more revenue in the local fisheries sector.  With regard to the city’s tourism sector, the national leader said that if Da Nang fully taps its great tourism potential, it is likely to attract 10 million visitors per year.  As for its urban development, he suggested that the city authorities should focus on learning about clean industry models from developed countries around the world.

President Sang in a working session with representatives of the local authorities
President Sang in a working session with representatives of the local authorities

On behalf of the city’s leaders, Secretary Tho expressed his thanks to the Party and the State for their special concern for the city.  In addition, he promised that the government and people of Da Nang would continue to uphold their spirit of solidarity to accelerate the city’s progress.

Also on Thursday afternoon, State President Sang visited the construction site of the city’s new Administration Centre.  He was accompanied by Secretary Tho, Chairman Chien, and some local authority representatives.

On Thursday morning, the national leader paid a visit to Da Nang’s Fisheries Surveillance Agency Zone 2, the Song Thu Corporation, and the Da Nang Port.
