
High Command of Naval Zone 3 pays a courtesy visit to city leader

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 18, 2022, 10:56 [GMT+7]

A delegation of the Naval Zone 3 High Command in Da Nang, led by Colonel Nguyen Thien Quan, Commander of the Region, paid a courtesy visit to municipal Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang.

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (right) presenting a momento to Colonel Nguyen Thien Quan
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (right) presenting a momento to Colonel Nguyen Thien Quan

During his meeting with Secretary Quang, Colonel Nguyen Thien Quan informed about the Naval Zone 3’s performances in protecting the national sovereignty over seas and islands over the past time.

He also expressed his hope that, his unit will continue to receive active support from the city leaders, agencies, departments, branches, and armed forces in sharing information and creating a bond of solidarity among the units, contributing to firmly building the all-people national defence and fulfilling its assigned tasks.

During his reception for naval officers and men, Secretary Quang congratulated Colonel Nguyen Thien Quan on his new position, and the naval officers and soldiers on their remarkable achievements.

He affirmed that the city always attaches importance to the relationship with the Naval Zone 3 High Command. He vowed to create the most conditions for the naval unit, and the armed forces stationed in the city as a whole, to operate effectively, thereby contributing to ensuring national defence and security in the area, airspace and seaspace.

Secretary Quang thanked the Naval Zone 3 High Command in recent years for its active support given to the city in implementing storm and flood mitigation and recovery work, as well as facilitating the city's permanent militia squadron to carry out their missions at sea.

In the coming time, the city Party chief Quang hopes that the Navy Zone 3 High Command will continue its efforts to support the militia squadron, and work with the city's Border Guard forces in the protection of national sovereignty and maritime security.

Reporting by NGOC PHU - Translating by M.DUNG
