
Thai Phien Club for Senior Citizens holds 6th Congress for 2022-2027 tenure

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 18, 2022, 17:59 [GMT+7]

In his speech delivered at the 6th Congress of the Thai Phien Club for Senior Citizens for the 2022-2027 tenure, Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang praised the Executive Board and members of the Club for their great efforts in creating a practical and effective living environment for senior citizens citywide with the following criteria of ‘happy life, healthy life, useful life’ in the past tenure.

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang speaking at the event
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang speaking at the event

The club actively educated the young generation about revolutionary tradition and patriotism, fought against false and distorted claims of hostile forces, effectively implemented the '5 No's, 3 Yes's' campaign and 'The City of 4 Safe Programmes', and support the city’s efforts in its fight against COVID-19, added Mr. Quang.

The city Party Chief Quang hoped that, in the coming time, the Executive Board of the Thai Phien Club will continue to uphold achieved results, organise many healthcare programmes for its members, especially single or poor ones, and maintain regular cultural and sports activities to improve members’ spiritual life.

The municipal leaders are always willing to listen to opinions and suggestions by Thai Phien Club members in the process of formulating and implementing the Party's guidelines, State laws and city policies.

He believed that the club will be always a reliable support and pride of the Party, government and people of the city, thereby contributing to promoting the city's progress in the coming time.

Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh presented Certificates of Merit from the People's Committee to 4 collectives and 4 individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the club’s activities and movements during the 2017-2022 period
Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh presenting Certificates of Merit from the People's Committee to 4 collectives and 4 individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the club’s activities and movements during the 2017-2022 period

Over the past tenure, the Thai Phien Club for Senior Citizens organised more than 50 news sessions for more than 6,000 listeners, 37 tours for more than 1,500 members, birthday celebrations for 5,982 members and 30 health counseling sessions for its members; and published 2 volumes of poetry.

In the next term, the club will focus on maintaining and improving the quality of existing activities, developing all movements at grassroots level, and creating favourable conditions for members to participate in the club’s activities, thereby contributing to building Da Nang into a prosperous, beautiful and civilised city.

On the occasion, municipal People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh presented Certificates of Merit from the People's Committee to 4 collectives and 4 individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the club’s activities and movements during the 2017-2022 period.

Reporting by TRONG HUY - Translating by M.DUNG
