
No traffic accidents reported in Da Nang in November

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 12, 2022, 11:16 [GMT+7]

Data published by the Da Nang Traffic Safety Committee showed that there was a significant decrease in the number of road traffic accidents, traffic-related deaths and injuries in the city during November.

Especially, no traffic accidents were reported in the city last month compared with 2 in October and 10 in the corresponding period a year earlier while the number of fatalities and injuries from road traffic accidents declined by 1 and 2 respectively over the previous month, and 5 and 8 respectively from the same period last year.

Over last month, 5,436 cases of traffic violations were registered in the city, and these violations involved 753 trucks, 90 tractors, 3 tank trucks, 44 passenger coaches , 896 cars, 3,411 motorbikes, and 238 electric motorbikes. In addition, fines of VND 7.3 billion were imposed on 4,725 traffic violators. Furthermore, 723 motorcycles and 111 cars were temporarily seized while drivers of 325 cars and 454 motorbikes had their driving licence revoked by traffic police officers due to their traffic offences.

Besides, fines of VND 13.4 million were imposed on motorcycle drivers for railroad crossing violations by traffic police officers while fines of VND 677.3 million were imposed on 447 traffic offenders by inspectors of the Da Nang Department of Transport.

Reporting by THANH LAN – Translating by H.L
