
'Creative Youth' movement proves effective

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 13, 2024, 17:58 [GMT+7]

The ‘Creative Youth’ movement has been implemented effectively and widely by Youth Union facilities, promoting the proactive and creative role of youth in productive labour and serving the community, making a positive contribution to the process of developing the city.

Youths of Lien Chieu District participate in robot competition at the ‘Youth Creativity’ festival in January 2024 organised by Lien Chieu District Youth Union. Photo: N.Q
Youths of Lien Chieu District participate in robot competition at the ‘Youth Creativity’ festival in January 2024 organised by Lien Chieu District Youth Union. Photo: N.Q

Promote scientific research

According to the Da Nang Youth Union, ‘Creative Youth’ is one of the three key revolutionary action movements, deployed at Youth Union facilities to arouse the spirit of creativity, daring to think, daring to do, and fostering young talents in the city.

Competitions organised by the Da Nang Youth Union and the city’s Students’ Association such as: ‘Student scientific research’, ‘Innovation startup festival’, ‘Innovative startup ideas’, ‘Light up your creativity’ contributed to promoting the spirit of creativity in scientific research and creating a playground for the city’s youth.

Recently, five creative startup projects among students have been supported by the Da  Nang Youth Union to develop such as ‘Biowaste management system – EVICAN’ (the University of Technical Education - UD), ‘Water tank guards’ (the University of Science and Technology- UD), ‘Construction materials from rice husks and nylon waste’, ‘Production of 3D printing plastic filaments from plastic bottles’ and ‘Application of fertilizer type - recycling of ECOSIA waste’ (Duy Tan University).

In particular, the topic ‘Water tank guard’ is one of the new creations of the University of Science and Technology students to help people clean water tanks easily, keeping daily water sources clean. Meanwhile, ‘ECOSIA waste classification and recycling application’ is designed to help people learn about types of waste and discover how to recycle waste into reusable products.

According to Secretary of Lien Chieu District Youth Union Organisation Huynh Thanh Binh, recently, the unit has promoted the movement of implementing creative models to serve the community.

In particular, ‘Each union branch has a loving address’ is a new model, deployed by the district Youth Union in January 2023 to help social policy families, disadvantaged people, poor students, and disabled students. Under the model, union branches choose difficult situations to make visits, give gifts, provide means of livelihood, and tutor students with weak academic performance.

In addition, 2024 is the second year the district’s Youth Union organises the ‘Young Creativity’ festival programme for Youth Union members, pupils and students in the city to participate in robot competitions, water rockets, and learn chemical reactions, thereby creating a healthy playground, increasing creativity, learning, and solidarity for Youth Union members and youths.

Serve the community

According to Deputy Head of the Youth Union Movement Committee Nguyen Dinh Thinh, the ‘Creative Youth’ movement has been widely deployed in recent times and has proved effective, contributing to the implementation of many initiatives and solutions to serve society, improve the quality of life for people.

In particular, ‘We are always with you’, which has been run by the Youth Union from 2021, is one of the outstanding models, contributing to creating joy for heroic Vietnamese Mothers in 7 districts.

Currently, there are more than 90 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers being cared for by Youth Union units. Regularly every two months, members from the Youth Union's organisations visit martyrs' homes, organise cooking and have meals with the Mothers.

In addition, since the beginning of 2023, the Da Nang Youth Union has effectively implemented the programme ‘Journey of Faith’ at Reformatory School No. 3 in Hoa Phu Commune and Bau Bang Social Facility in Hoa Bac Commune, Hoa Vang District.

Every year, the Youth Union gives gifts, organised sports events and disseminate the law to those who study and take drug rehabilitation at these two facilities, thereby contributing to raising awareness of law observance, helping students practice in work, study and soon re-integrate into the community.

According to Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Youth Union, Chairman of the Da Nang Youth Federation Nguyen Ba Duan, in order for the ‘Creative Youth’ movement to expand and develop, the Da Nang Youth Union has created a favourable environment and conditions for youths and teenagers to study, research, develop intelligence, skills, physical strength, and master modern science and technology.

In addition, this agency has built funds and mobilized resources to support the realisation of young people's creative ideas. Along with that, it has partnered with organisations, individuals and businesses to help them put their ideas, inventions, and patents into practice soon, and regularly evaluating, honors, and promptly rewarded outstanding new initiatives and ideas.

Reporting by HONG NGOC - Translating by A.THU
