
Shining example in mass mobilisation work

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 11, 2024, 19:18 [GMT+7]

Mrs Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Head of residential group No. 55 in Chinh Gian Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang always dedicates time to visit every household to deploy the city’s policies and encourage residents to fully comply.

Mrs Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (left) visiting the family of Mrs Nguyen Thi Thai who is facing difficult circumstances. Photo: Ha Hung
Mrs Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (left) visiting the family of Mrs Nguyen Thi Thai who is facing difficult circumstances. Photo: Ha Hung

With nearly a decade of experience as a residential group leader, Mrs Mai is well-acquainted with every alley and corner of the residential area and knows the circumstances of each family. She regularly visits the five households classified as near-poor within the group, offering support and seeking assistance from philanthropists.

The woman shared that among the cases in her group is a couple of Nguyen Thi Thai and Nguyen Van Nhat, suffering from severe illnesses. Feeling compassionate towards their situation, she has been close to the family, providing spiritual encouragement and mobilising donations from well-wishers and local authorities to support the couple in their fight against illness.

As a respected figure, Mrs Mai not only serves as “an extended arm” of the local government and party committee but also excels in propaganda and mobilisation efforts, becoming a trusted supporter of the community.

During the COVID-19 outbreak a few years ago, she closely monitored and reminded residents to report symptoms and adhere to isolation measures to prevent the spread of the virus. She also assisted residents with shopping for essential goods.

In October 2023, when a severe flood affected more than a dozen homes in Da Nang, Mrs Mai was present early in the morning and used her own funds to purchase fresh noodles and bread to ensure that dozens of residents had enough to eat. Throughout her work, she collaborates with the Standing Board of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Committee and various local organisations of the residential group to promote and mobilise residents in implementing the party's and local government’s policies and initiatives.

Also, she adeptly mobilises residents to implement such campaigns as “Day for the Poor”, and “Paying Debt of Gratitude”, as well as give donations to flood-affected communities, and fulfil obligations like land taxes and annual civic duty contributions.

Over nearly ten years, the residential group under her leadership has consistently met and exceeded the ward's targets, with the “Fund for the Poor” consistently surpassing its annual targets by 30 to50%. The most challenging task was encouraging the installation of fire-fighting equipment in households, given the initial indifference of residents. Through persistent effort, all households in the group now comply.

In early 2024, Mrs Mai successfully encouraged over a dozen of families in two alleys on Dien Bien Phu Street to contribute funds for building a modern and clean alleyway. She plays a central role in uniting the community, resolving disputes and conflicts promptly, and fostering unity within the residential area.

With her enthusiasm and dedication, Mrs Mai motivates the residents to actively participate in various movements and achieve set goals. Residential group 55 has repeatedly been recognised as an outstanding group in Chinh Gian Ward and received commendations from Thanh Khe District People's Committee for five consecutive years (2016-2020) for excellent community learning.

Due to her contributions to local movements, Mrs Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai has received numerous Certificates of Merit from local authorities and has been honoured by the Thanh Khe District’s Party Committee as an outstanding party member for five consecutive years.

Mrs Phan Thi Lac, Secretary of Xuan Hoa B1 Party Cell in Chinh Gian Ward, remarked that Mai was an energetic and enthusiastic residential group leader with a deep and effective civic engagement style, contributing significantly to the successful completion of assigned tasks.

Reporting by HA HUNG - Translating by TRUC VY
