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85.96% of power users shift to cashless payment

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 18, 2022, 11:46 [GMT+7]

As reported, the Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC), under the State-owned Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN), in the first 5 months of 2022, 85.96% of customers made cashless payments for electricity services, an increase of 11.61% over the same period in 2021.

Illustrative photo. (Source: tapchitaichinh.vn)
Illustrative photo. (Source: tapchitaichinh.vn)

The percentage of electricity services that incur costs online paid by customers has reached 100%, up 48.66% over the year-ago period.

Up to now, EVNCPC has completed many digital transformation goals for the 2021-  2022 period.

In the 5-month review period, this corporation has carried out the installation of 88,612 new electronic meters with integrated telemetry technology, bringing the total to more than 4.41 million. Commercial power output reached nearly 8.39 billion kWh, up 3.97% over the same period in 2021.

Non-cash payment has been highly regarded by users as a safer and more convenient way to pay power bills. The EVN has been providing cashless payment services on its customer services mobile app, official websites and the national public services portal. Additionally, the group has cooperated with banks and payment intermediary service providers to offer customers with a wide range of options to make digital payments, for examples, through banking accounts, e-wallets and QR codes.

Reporting by GIAO THUY – Translating by A.THU
