
Da Nang College promotes human resources training cooperation with Germany

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 10, 2023, 11:57 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang College of Food Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Thüringen in Thüringen state of Germany, and the Ha Noi IEC Co., Ltd., on Thursday, inked an agreement on human resource training.

The signing ceremony in progress
The signing ceremony in progress

The signing ceremony was held at the College, witnessed by Minister-President of Thüringen state of Germany Bodo Ramelow.

The cooperation aimed to promote the goal of attracting and training skilled human resources for the food processing industry working in the state of Thüringen.

In his remarks at the signing ceremony, Mr. Bodo Ramelo acknowledged and highly appreciated the college’s efforts in training human resources in many fields.

He affirmed that Thüringen state of Germany will always accompany the city in the field of vocational training, with a focus on attracting human resources to work in Germany as well as implementing many policies to ensure employment and social integration and maintain the cultural identity of the Vietnamese community in Thüringen state.

Mr. Bodo Ramelow also expressed his confidence in the quality of human resource training at the school, pledging to support students and workers working in Thüringen state in the near future.

He voiced his hope that in the future, each year, his state will welcome about 1,000 people from Da Nang in particular and Viet Nam in general to study and work.

Dr. Do Chi Thinh (first, right), Principal of the Da Nang College of Food Industry, introduces his school's products to the delegation of Thuringen state. Photo: VAN HOANG
Dr. Do Chi Thinh (first, right), Principal of the Da Nang College of Food Industry, introduces his school's products to the delegation of Thuringen state. Photo: VAN HOANG

Also at the programme, representatives of the delegation of Thüringen state government and businesses awarded certificates to students participating in the human resources training project under the cooperation programme.

Accordingly, after graduation, the college’s students will be fully trained and equipped with language, and practical and cultural knowledge, to be able to meet the labor market requirements in Germany as well as in Thüringen state.

At the same time, students will receive active support in preparing visa application procedures in Viet Nam.

Those who meet the project's conditions will receive financial support in the early stages of studying and working in Thüringen state.

In addition, the Ha Noi IEC Co., Ltd. coordinated with the college to open the Thuringen State Human Resources Development and Consulting Office in Central Viet Nam.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
