
Brilliant fireworks light up Da Nang sky on New Year's Eve

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 10, 2024, 09:59 [GMT+7]

Fireworks displays with a total of nearly 2,000 high-altitude and 120 low-range fireworks, lit up the sky of Da Nang to welcome the Year of the Dragon 2024.

Brilliant fireworks displays impressively colour the sky of Da Nang, shot up from the park area at the intersection of Bach Dang and Binh Minh 6 streets, Hai Chau District, Da Nang. Photo: XUAN SON
Brilliant fireworks displays impressively colour the sky of Da Nang, shot up from the park area at the intersection of Bach Dang and Binh Minh 6 streets, Hai Chau District, Da Nang. Photo: XUAN SON

On Lunar New Year's Eve, joining the Tet bustling atmosphere throughout Viet Nam in the moment of celebrating the Lunar New Year, the city held a fireworks display at 3 locations, namely a park area at the intersection of Bach Dang and Binh Minh 6 streets in Hai Chau District, east of the Lien Chieu District Administrative Centre, and nearby the Hoa Vang District Administrative Centre.

In the sacred atmosphere of heaven and earth entering the Lunar New Year, the fireworks display lasted 15 minutes according to the artistic fireworks display method.

At the 3 aforementioned locations, nearly 2,000 high-altitude and 120 low-range fireworks with special and colourful effects brightly lit up the city sky on New Year's Eve.

Brilliant fireworks really demonstrated the rising aspirations of the city, and the country at large, with new expectations and new opportunities. At the same time, it aimed at conveying a message of peace and happiness for everyone and every home.

On New Year's Eve, a large number of people and tourists rushed to busy downtown streets, along the both banks of the Han River, in front of the Lien Chieu District Administrative Centre and Hoa Vang District Administrative Centre, in order to admire the impressive fireworks display.

 Brightly- coloured fireworks aim at a message of peace and happiness for everyone and every home. Photo: XUAN SON
Brightly- coloured fireworks aim at a message of peace and happiness for everyone and every home. Photo: XUAN SON
Each fireworks display lasts 15 minutes using the artistic fireworks display method. Photo: XUAN SON
Each fireworks display lasts 15 minutes using the artistic fireworks display method. Photo: XUAN SON
 Brilliant fireworks demonstrate the rising aspirations of the city and the country as a whole. Photo: XUAN SON
Brilliant fireworks demonstrate the rising aspirations of the city and the country as a whole. Photo: XUAN SON
 The city sky turns sparkling with fireworks with special and colourful effects. Photo: XUAN SON
The city sky turns sparkling with fireworks with special and colourful effects. Photo: XUAN SON
  Children are held in the arms of their parents to watch the fireworks display. Photo: THU DUYEN
Children are held in the arms of their parents to watch the fireworks display. Photo: THU DUYEN
People express their excitement and satisfaction with this year's fireworks displays, and at the same time giving each other wishes and hopes for a peaceful new year. Photo: THU DUYEN
People express their excitement and satisfaction with this year's fireworks displays, and at the same time giving each other wishes and hopes for a peaceful new year. Photo: THU DUYEN

Reporting by XUAN SON, THU DUYEN - Translating by A.THU
