
US White House issues statement on President Trump's Viet Nam visit

Published: November 15, 2017

The US’s White House has issued a statement on outcomes of the Viet Nam visit of President Donald Trump, declaring that the state visit reaffirmed his commitment to strengthening the US-Viet Nam Comprehensive Partnership.

President Tran Dai Quang (R) welcomes President Donald Trump in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
President Tran Dai Quang (R) welcomes President Donald Trump in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)

The statement opens by quoting President Trump’s as saying that “Today the Vietnamese economy is one of the fastest-growing on earth…We know it is in America’s interests to have partners throughout this region that are thriving, prosperous, and dependent on no one….”

It reviews major results of President Trump’s visit, noting that the US and Viet Nam reached an agreement for the United States to acquire land in Ha Noi to construct a new embassy compound, a tangible example of the growing partnership between the two nations.

President Trump strengthened the US-Viet Nam Comprehensive Partnership, an important element of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

The two nations concluded a new Three Year Plan of Action for Defense Cooperation, which will increase bilateral naval activities.

The United States formally transferred the first US Coast Guard cutter to the Vietnamese Navy, enhancing Viet Nam’s maritime security and domain awareness capabilities.

President Trump and President Tran Dai Quang welcomed the planned first visit of a US aircraft carrier to Viet Nam in 2018.

Both sides reaffirmed the importance of freedom of navigation, overflight, and unfettered commerce in the East Sea and their commitment to a rules-based approach to resolving maritime disputes. 

(Source: VNA)
