
Da Nang expands new cooperation aspects with Germany

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 10, 2023, 11:57 [GMT+7]

During his reception on Thursday for Minister-President of Thüringen state of Germany Bodo Ramelow, municipal People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh introduced his guest to the city’s socio-economic development potentials and advantages, as well as some fields that the city is appealing for investment.

Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh (right) presents a souvenir to Minister-President of Thüringen state of Germany Bodo Ramelow. Photo: T.PHUONG
Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh (right) presents a souvenir to Minister-President of Thüringen state of Germany Bodo Ramelow. Photo: T.PHUONG

The city has till date attracted 13 German-invested projects totalling more than US$ 11 million, focusing on the fields of restaurants, hotels, information technology, construction consulting services and transportation, he added.

Chairman Chinh asked Minister-President Bolo Ramelow to act as a bridge to foster friendly relations and cooperation between Thüringen state and Da Nang in such aspects as tourism, education and healthcare. He also voiced his hope the German guest will call on more investors from his country to visit Da Nang for surveying the investment environment and seeking cooperation opportunities.

For his part, Mr. Bolo Ramelow expressed his joy and impression at the modernity and dynamism of Da Nang, along with the city’s clean, beautiful, safe and friendly living environment.

Also, he gave the city leader an overview of his state and its strong fields.

The Minister-President expressed his wish to promote and expand new spheres of cooperation with Da Nang in the coming time, thereby significantly contributing to deepening the relationships between the Germany and Viet Nam in general, and Thüringen state and Da Nang in particular.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
