
Fuel prices down by over VND900 per litre

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 12, 2022, 09:52 [GMT+7]

The price of gasoline has been lowered by over VND900 per litre, whilst that of oil products has been decreased by VND1,000-VND1,210 per litre (except for mazut oil), according to the latest fuel price adjustment announced by relevant ministries.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade jointly announced price reductions for various fuel products with effect from 3:00pm on Thursday.

Accordingly, the retail price of RON 95-III has been dropped by VND940 to VND24,660 per litre while E5 RON 92 has seen its price fall by VND900 to VND23,720 per litre.

This has been the fifth consecutive significant drop since late June, bringing the fuel prices to the same level as they were in October 2021.

Meanwhile, the prices of oil products have been lowered as compared to 10 days ago. Specifically, diesel oil has been sold for VND22,900 per litre, a decrease of VND1,000, whilst the price of Kerosene oil has been cut by VND1,210 to VND23,320 per litre.

Particularly, the price of mazut oil remains unchanged at VND16,540 per kg.

Reporting by QUYNH TRANG - Translating by M.DUNG
