
Da Nang leaders offer incense to commemorate heroic martyrs at Peace Monument

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 12, 2023, 11:18 [GMT+7]

On the occasion of the opening of the 15th session of the Da Nang People's Council in its 10th tenure for the 2021-2026 term, a group of leaders, led by municipal Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang, laid wreaths and offered incense in tribute to heroic martyrs at the Peace Monument located on September 2 Street on Tuesday.

Leaders of Da Nang observe a minute’s silence to pay their respects to heroes and martyrs
Leaders of Da Nang observe a minute’s silence to pay their respects to heroes and martyrs

The participants observed a minute’s silence to pay their respects to late President Ho Chi Minh and the heroic martyrs who laid down their lives for the nation’s re-unification.

In front of the hallowed memorial to the heroic martyrs, Da Nang leaders vowed that the government and people of Da Nang will forever remember the service and sacrifice made by the heroic martyrs for Viet Nam's independence and reunion, as well as continue to uphold their consensus and solidarity, and do their utmost to make Da Nang even more civilised and prosperous in a bid to enable all people to prosper and flourish in life and health in the years ahead.

Reporting by DNO - Translating by M.DUNG
