
Digital transformation and IT application promoted in judicial reform

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 21, 2023, 15:57 [GMT+7]

In his remarks at the Tuesday seminar entitled "Solutions to promote the application of information technology (IT) and digital transformation at judicial agencies in Da Nang”, municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Head of the Judicial Reform Steering Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet asked relevant agencies, and authorities at local level to change their thinking and perception of digital transformation and boost the IT application in order to perform their duties substantively and effectively.

Head of the Judicial Reform Steering Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the seminar
Head of the Judicial Reform Steering Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the seminar

Mr. Triet highlighted that digital transformation was a transformation in institutions and thinking. Therefore, it was necessary to change the thinking and perception of community reform work and apply IT to effectively and substantively deploy specific products in judicial reform.

Mr. Triet pointed out some limitations and challenges in the IT application and digital transformation in judicial reform, such as weak transmission network, and a lack of data, high-quality human resources and attractive income mechanisms or policies.

Additionally, some judicial agencies find it difficult to ensure cybersecurity serving digital transformation.

Therefore, Deputy Secretary Triet requested agencies, units and localities to drastically implement and concretise the resolution, especially the implementation stage in the coming time.

Special attention should be paid to raising awareness, preparing skills and developing human resources for digital transformation; changing the perception of leaders; and upgrading network infrastructure, especially online systems and application software, he added.

Mr. Triet stressed the need for local relevant agencies and departments to build a team of qualified staff with knowledge of science and IT; as well as develop and replicate typical and advanced models in IT application and digital transformation.

Heed should be on seriously and fully deploying measures to ensure network security, information safety, and protect State secrets in cyberspace in accordance with the provisions of law, he noted.

​Reporting by TRONG HUY - Translating by M.DUNG
