
Rescue underway to save seriously-injured fisherman at sea

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 28, 2020, 11:11 [GMT+7]

On Thursday, the Da Nang Coastal Information Station received a SOS message from the distressed QNg 98918 TS from Quang Ngai Province

It was reported that a crew member onboard got fish hook stuck in his right eye and the bleeding did not stop whilst the boat was conducting fishing in Viet Nam’s waters, about 170 nautical miles southeast off the Da Nang coast.

After receiving a report about distressed crew member, the Station immediately helped the boat’s crew members to contact doctors from the city's Emergency Centre 115 to ask for first aid instructions.

Besides, the Station has reported the incident to search and rescue agencies for timely support in order to quickly bring the victim back to the mainland for further treatment.

By NAM TRAN - Translated by M.D
