
265 stranded citizens of other localities leave Da Nang for their hometowns

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 08, 2020, 18:03 [GMT+7]

In total, 265 citizens of the Hai Duong, Nam Dinh, Bac Ninh and Lam Dong provinces left Da Nang on Monday for their hometowns by coach arranged by their local governments as per their wish.

All of the returnees from Da Nang tested negative for Covid-19 at least thrice, and they were required to declare their health status before leaving the city.

Upon their home comebacks, these out-of-city citizens were given health checks and taken to designated quarantine facilities based in these provinces as per the Health Ministry’s guidelines.

All passengers were required to strictly follow disease prevention and control measures, including having their body temperatures of passengers measured before getting on/off the vehicles, wearing face coverings, cleaning their hands and keep a safe distance from others during their return journey.

Below are some photos captured by our reporter Xuan Dung reflect how proactive precautions against the virus were put in place during the process of bringing the citizens of the aforementioned localities back to their homes.

Bac Ninh Province’s citizens washing their hands with sanitizer gel before getting on the vehicles
Bac Ninh Province’s citizens using liquid sanitiser hand rub spray for rapid hand disinfection before getting on the vehicles
 One of the Bac Ninh Province’s returnees showing her excitement about her home comeback
One of the Bac Ninh Province’s returnees showing her excitement about her home comeback
 A vehicle carrying Bac Ninh Province’s citizens ready to start its journey
A vehicle carrying Bac Ninh Province’s citizens ready to start its return journey
The Da Nang authorities providing free meals for the returnees for use during their journey
The Da Nang authorities providing free meals for the returnees for use during their return journey
 A coach carrying the Hai Duong returnees
A coach carrying the Hai Duong returnees
 Introducing the Covid-19 prevention rules to the returnees before their home journeys
Introducing the Covid-19 prevention rules to the returnees before their return journeys
  The returnees having their body temperatures of passengers measured before getting on the vehicles
The returnees having their body temperatures of passengers measured before getting on the vehicles
 Those having the body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius or under being allowing to get on the vehicles
Those having the body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius or under being allowing to get on the vehicles
Escorted traffic police cars leading the vehicles for leaving the city
Escorted traffic police cars leading the vehicles for leaving the city

By XUAN DUNG – Translated by A.T
