
Foreigners stuck in Viet Nam feel safe in the city

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 10, 2020, 10:57 [GMT+7]

Foreigners feel safe in Da Nang although they are currently stuck in Viet Nam and they are unable to return to their countries due to strict lockdowns imposed by many nations worldwide to stem the spread of the coronavirus. 

Visitors at Da Nang's Marble Mountains Tourist Area
Visitors at the Marble Mountains Tourist Area

Amongst them is Julia Parra from Spain who is now living in a rental apartment in Da Nang.

Julia Parra travelled to Viet Nam in early February to teach English at a Language Centre in Ha Noi, but the centre has been closed since March due to the impacts of the pandemic. However, Julia Parra was unable to return to her hometown because the disease broke out badly in her country at that time.

After Viet Nam's 17th Covid-19 patient was confirmed in Ha Noi on 6 March, she then flew to Da Nang, and has stayed in the city since 15 March.

The Spanish woman said the only way to return to Spain is to transit in Russia, but Russia has already closed its airspace to other countries amid Covid-19 fears. Therefore, she can't return home right now.

“I am using social networks to keep in touch with my family to tell them that I’m still safe in Viet Nam” Julia Parra said.

Meanwhile, Lee Woo-jin from South Korea said that his job requires him to travel between his country and Ho Chi Minh City. As the situation with coronavirus is developing in South Korea, he decided to stay in Da Nang.

Lee Woo-jin also praised Viet Nam for its efforts in the fight against the coronavirus over recent weeks. He said he felt very secure while staying in Da Nang amid concerns about the spread of the virus.

However, the two foreign tourists have expressed their concerns over the expiry dates of their visas.

Mr Huynh Duc Trung, the Head of Travel Management Office of the municipal Department of Tourism, advised them to ask for help from the embassies and consulate generals of their native countries in Viet Nam in order to carry out the procedures for visa extension.

By MAI QUE - Translated by MAI DUNG
