
No new cases of Covid-19 reported Thursday morning

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 09, 2020, 08:11 [GMT+7]

No new cases of Covid-19 were recorded overnight, the Ministry of Health reported early Thursday morning.

Medical staff spray disinfectant in Ha Loi Village, Me Linh District on Tuesday after a resident tested positive for Covid-19.
Medical staff spray disinfectant in Ha Loi Village, Me Linh District on Tuesday after a resident tested positive for Covid-19.

This comes after Wednesday evening’s update also revealed there were zero new cases nationwide.

On Wednesday morning, two people tested positive for coronavirus. Both are currently in a stable condition.

The country has seen a total of 251 cases since the outbreak began, with 156 of those arriving into Viet Nam from overseas, accounting for 62 per cent. There are currently 77,298 in quarantine.

In total, 126 people who have been treated for the disease have made a full recovery. Two more patients are expected to be discharged from a medical facility in the south later on Thursday.

Source: VNS
