
Upgrade of Viet Nam - Japan relations expands investment cooperation opportunities: Japanese Consul-General in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 06, 2023, 06:32 [GMT+7]

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World marks an important milestone that opens a new chapter of the Viet Nam - Japan relations to be more practical, comprehensive and effective.

Consul-General of Japan in Da Nang Yakabe Yoshinori
Consul-General of Japan in Da Nang Yakabe Yoshinori

Consul-General of Japan in Da Nang Yakabe Yoshinori made the remarks during a recent interview with our reporter from Da Nang Newspaper.

He voiced his hope that through the elevation of the Viet Nam - Japan relations, the relationships with Viet Nam in general, and Da Nang in particular, will be further strengthened.

According to the Japanese diplomat, Viet Nam is still assessed as an attractive investment destination for Japanese companies and businesses. Da Nang is increasingly emerging as a top choice for international investors, including those from Japan.

The main reason is that Da Nang, and the central region as a whole, are home to many high-quality universities. Therefore, many Japanese companies have cooperated with local universities to train talents and ensure human resources for the cooperation activities between the two sides.

Along with that, Da Nang is also a vital intersection of roads and railways to the Northern and Southern regions, and an important gateway on the East-West Economic Corridor. Notably, the city's policy to attract foreign investment is very attractive to investors at both home and abroad.

“We are making efforts to promote the image of Da Nang to Japanese people, especially students and young Japanese people coming to Da Nang to travel” he added.

Recently, Da Nang has always been a popular destination for Japanese people. This helps boost the development of the city's service and tourism sectors. At the same time, the semiconductor industry is now one of the fields attracting new investment in Da Nang.

In that trend, Japan will introduce the potential of Da Nang's high-tech sector to Japanese businesses. It is known that, in early 2024, a Japanese hi-tech enterprise is expected to visit Da Nang to seek investment opportunities, Mr. Yakabe Yoshinori noted.

The Japanese diplomat stressed the need for the two sides to strengthen connections among ASEAN countries, with a focus on promoting the development and completion of the East-West Economic Corridor and the Southern Economic Corridor.

He highlighted the significance of the development and completion of the East-West Economic Corridor because the city is the starting point of this corridor. Top priority will be given to improving traffic and transportation infrastructure, especially the construction of the Lien Chieu Port.

He pledged to do his utmost to call on potential investors and businesses from his country to explore investment opportunities in the city in the time ahead.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
