
PM asks for vigilance against Covid-19

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 28, 2020, 09:36 [GMT+7]

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has called for authorities and people to stay vigilant against Covid-19 and continue taking preventive measures as there are still community transmissions.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chairs an online meeting on Covid-19 prevention and control on Thursday
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chairs an online meeting on Covid-19 prevention and control on Thursday

At an online Government meeting with relevant ministries, agencies and localities, PM Phuc stressed the need to zone off and quickly act to prevent the spread of Covid-19 when any new case was discovered, particularly in high risk areas like markets and public spaces.

He said localities and the health sector have proactively stepped up the fight against Covid-19, increasing tracing and testing measures, helping to bring the situation under control as best they can.

However, it was still necessary to resolutely implement the new normal, including wearing face masks in public areas, when using transport and limit gatherings when they are not necessary, he said.

The Government leader asked chairmen of People’s Committees of localities to have specific measures to boost production and business and generate jobs for locals.

He instructed authorities of border localities to take measures to prevent illegal migration into the country, adding that illegal migrants would be strictly punished.

The Ministry of Health was required to continue preventive and control measures and speed up research for a vaccine and medicine to treat Covid-19 and international cooperation, particularly with countries that have had initial results in vaccine studies.

The PM urged ministries and agencies to speed up the visa process for foreign experts and investors to Việt Nam. The health ministry was instructed to issue regulations and guidance for foreign experts and investors coming to Viet Nam to work for a short-term period.

He asked airlines and the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control to study to propose the PM commercial flights to a number of countries that have high rate of safety.

He also asked the Ministry of Finance to loosen monetary policies to support people and localities to take better solutions to support businesses and poor citizens.

The PM requested the Ministry of Health to prepare and soon submit a draft directive on Covid-19 prevention and control in the new normal.

Source: VNS/ DA NANG Today
