
Viet Nam rank eighth in chess at Asian National Cup

Published: April 07, 2016

Viet Nam beat Sri Lanka 4-0 in the eighth round of the open category during the Asian National Cup chess tournament in the United Arab Emirates on April 4.

The ongoing Asian National Cup chess competition in Abu Dhabi (Source: vietnamchess.vn)
The ongoing Asian National Cup chess competition in Abu Dhabi (Source: vietnamchess.vn)

Viet Nam now rank eighth with four points and will meet leading India in the last round.

In the women’s category, Viet Nam lost to China. Three of four Vietnamese players were defeated, while one managed a draw.

The three losses led Viet Nam to drop to the fifth position after the eighth round. With one round left, they have no chance of entering the top three positions. World champions China, on the other hand, maintain their lead at the top.

After the standard chess tournament, the players will take part in the rapid and blitz events.

Viet Nam’s male squad will be strengthened by the presence of former world champion Le Quang Liem.

The championships will end on April 8.

(Source: VNA)
