

The Big Shift Battle: An American business traveler conquers British art

He had an acting talent and a passion for mechanics. A businessman, a US foreign exchange firm, came to the United Kingdom, which was considered a forerunner in the manufacture of security mechanisms, and conquered it. Alfred Hobbs opened both national impregnable battles and had no mercy on the defeated competitors.

Signed bills of exchange and receipts, business contracts, animals, door love letters, bundles of banknotes. Even if they are just pieces of pepper, they are worth their weight in gold. And don’t let their thrush fall into the wrong hands. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the British invested in the purchase of domestic security lockers and massive safes.

It became a nationwide obsession. As Scotland Yard inspectors later pointed out, the safe was often an inexpensive facility throughout the house. He was often much more expensive than the perks and valuables he steil.

The trick to calm is a good mess

Not only could he afford such a track. The rising medium said panic due to crime, she did not have a pension for luxury safes. It thus created a unique environment for the renaissance of the old craft of change. Its places have taken a golden toll because people in Britain have believed that investing in quality softening is as effective as paying a lot in front of the house.

It was a return to the mistake that each house could become an impregnable castle. that its protection by quality softening on two may ultimately be better than an impregnable safe inside. And a really special order custom came at the price of the safe.

The national fortification best demonstrates to me the number of patents filed by British money changers. By 1851, they had registered 55 gadgets in the London office, in 1865 another 120 were added, and by the end of the century, their number had reached three thousand. An indistinguishable mechanism of security softening was born in 1784 to Joseph Bramah. Robert Barron’s double-plated system dates from 1788. The first cylindrical insert? The invention of Mr. Linus Yale dates from 1848. In 1868, Mr. Henry Towne glued the uneven strings inside the lock.

If you had smart fingers, a good eye and a head full of thoughts and you wanted to go to school, you did not miss a curry class or a gold coin. The actual name could be issued in the introduced bill of exchange debt. And then there were plates on the islands. Only which one is the best? Applicants for the job and the customers themselves were able to see for themselves during the spectacularly dueling of money changers.

The struggles of competing companies usually took place after which, again and again, some bills of exchange for a long time publicly announced that they had created and launched an insurmountable change. And his traditional regional rival, if he did not want to lose his clientele, had to question such a claim. Ideally, their own changers were able to unlock that insurmountable change with the help of a pack. The motive for the merger was usually a competition for a representative contract, for example, installed in a small office or in a bank house. Lopotc mentioned the change to a brave audience free of a blow, it was such a big advertisement for the whole field. And most importantly, it was the perfect engine of innovation.

Nepemoiteln. The wound

The giants of the money changer practice have been overturned over this marketing and the local fines have been elevated. The makers of the custom security company Bramah and its rival company Chubb stood in.

Around the product first named a whole legend of invincibility was created. Bramah took the area’s criminals and offered me a casserole, and try his hand. For the glazed insert of its feed on Piccadilly, the company had a mess with a label: The artist who bottoms or opens this product will receive 200 guineas immediately. Today it would be about 700 thousand crowns. In the whole eleven years of that call, despite hundreds of attempts, no one has been able to conquer.

And Jeremiah Chubb of Portsmouth? In 1818, he made a second world with the patent-pending Detector. His best advantage was that he was blocked when trying to open with the wrong key or thief pack. For re-commissioning, a regulated key was needed, which usually responded somewhere in the safe. It was protection amplified to the other. And for a time, she demonstrated security paranoia in Britain. Thanks to Detector, clients could honor themselves in safety, and they were rich in information that someone was grazing on their property. The business motto told him of his creator: My name is Chubb, a patented manufacturer. Look at thieves, thieves, and poberts, and pay in despair.

A figure that did not pay off with the British bills

None of the bills of exchange knew that their fame would soon fade. And paradoxically, the World’s exhibition of industry and culture, which took place in London in 1851, contributes to this.

Apart from the thousands of exhibitors from various industries, all the variables from Great Britain gathered here to clearly demonstrate their technological power to the rest of the world. The expositions in the fair Kilova thumb, which were supposed to openly open the international market for them, unexpectedly became the place of their biggest loss. During the day, they lost the national exchange market and the underestimated amount of competition made them laugh at the world.

It started on July 22, when around ten o’clock in the morning a crowd gathered around the exhibit on the ground, rome two with installed Detector. For the needs of the exhibition, he was kindly connected by the First Southeast Railway, where for seven years these doors protected the entrance to the archive. People admired the perfection of metal, inconspicuous, but at the same time ingeniously executed. Inside the confection, there were to be six tumblers and three locking stamps, in the reinforced iron frame of two sturdy houses. After all, he only gets a barrel of gunpowder, a hammer or a right key.

Only one of the girls said. Such a mess is just a path of play, getting through it is not a problem, the challenge was announced in American English. Pirozen, it provoked outrage among the girls. Such shameless misconception! Whenever the kilns knew that the British dumps were the best in Europe, and those of the Portsmouth divisions around the world. Chubb, therefore, did not allow himself to emerge from the concept and calmly replied: And Mr. Amerikn calmly try to do that, and try to get the dog shit, he would not even have to tear it down!

America vtz

The challenger, according to the latest New York fashion, did not say a word and came to the fore. After a long examination, when the audience heard the drowning remarks, then he pulled a few tools, steel grinders and perhk out of his pockets, bent over the unnatural softness, and set his hands on it. It took twenty-five minutes, and he didn’t give in to the loud click. Without a single scratch, without a loose safety mechanism.

And it wasn’t a cell. Then the American straightened up and, with undisguised sarcasm, told Chubb that it had taken him so long to approve. He just wanted to have a lot of girls around. Then he locked the locklessly again and repeated his attempt. the second perfect mastery of the world was overcome in less than seven minutes. I’m in trouble, Mr. Chubb. Neudr dvee closed, then said triumphant and walked away from the floor. Very phantom.

Who was it? Of course, everyone asked themselves that question. The mysterious Amerian, surrounded by newspapers, certainly did not hide his identity. My name is Alfred Charles Hobbs and I am a sales representative for Day & Newell in New York. A company that makes real security changes, not just the cracks that you could see a moment ago, introduced itself to the giant. And Pirozen added: N stnek is here like that.

He acknowledged that the British ranks from Chubb were indeed considered as impregnable as Gibraltar, but stressed that the restless spirit of mechanics never slept, progress was moving forward, and in Britain they fell asleep once again. Of course, this is not the case with our changes from Day & Newell, which are the state of the art, reminded to go once. No, he didn’t lack confidence and humility didn’t last.

When one of the reporters changed the insurmountable mess that adorned the talent of Bramah’s change to Piccadilly, he said: See? He gave the landmark of the old continent. I’ll have to go see her.

Gentlemansk duel s legendrnm zmkem

Mr. Hobbs’ s ponno was, of course, washed to the extreme by a performance set for maximum effect. When he set out for the award, he brought with him not only samples of the so-called parautopic joke from Day & Newell, which he wanted to offer in Britain, but also a suitcase full of Kasask’s nain.

To do this, by the way, he had the New York police write a good fortune that he is a blameless citizen and not a criminal on the road. There was no problem with that, his pieces were well known in the United States at the time, because he reluctantly based his entire business reputation on the presentation and eskotr penetration. He usually ordered from the bank’s director, showed him how easy it was to deal with his current security, and then offer him his own product.

How did he do it? It was a simple talent from the factory that had a sense of fine mechanics and detail. And so inclined to acting, because he was able to turn a good soft into a magnificent theater. The invincible Detector from Chubba’s upholstery has been torn from the United States, but the legendary confusion from Bramah has been complicated. The original could not be submitted.

Only if he really wanted to demonstrate the perfection of his product did he have to deal with a British legend. The operator of the Bramah store has offered him really decent conditions, after thirty days he will have free access to the room above their exchange length, where two are equipped with this special softener. Hobbs picked up the thrown glove.

Under the supervision of foreign correspondents, reporters and newspapers, he spent eight days on patent litigation, representing a total of fifty-one hours of work. And he increased.

The click of Odem’s sound sounded like thunder to the British, the Times reported. Falen’s sense of security and safety, on which everyone here relied so much, ceased to apply. Hobbs was about two hundred guineans rich, and British change came. Their insidious comments and congratulations to Amerian that even the most sleepy bank would have had the difficulty of catching the day one day, and that he might have risen a bit in the quiet ground, but on the run boulevard of Great George, they had no idea.

Britain did not have the best changes in the world, and Hobbs also managed to force the rivalry and compassion of the bills to his advantage. American patent riots conquered Britain and put the house next to it.

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