

Warriors from the lands of the Czech Republic probably also took part in the prehistoric battle

There were thousands of them. And it was not a local conflict of the epic battle of the northern German river Tollense, the long-lived marmots took part. Among them were warriors from the lands of the Czech Republic. The leaders of the European Battle, which took place more than three thousand years ago, are especially at odds. Research mn look at djiny nsil.

They had tye, sticks, but also py and mee. They ripped their skulls, chopped into their throats, and threw a kick at each other from close range. They were massacred until the ground was covered in blood on Tollens’ trunks. According to the Ars Technica server, the battle, which took place between 1,380 and 1,250 BC, was estimated by more than 2,000 fighters. In the meantime, the remains of one hundred and forty of them were found, and so were a number of artifacts.

Their research began to overturn the previous Bronze Age and other forces. It suggests that the assumption that prehistory had a random or only highly ritualized form may not be valid. If the fall of the Battle of Tollens was no exception, the Bronze Age was not just a time of peace, as was thought, until the 1990s. It would even be a real, predictable, actionable and fulfilling activity, archaeologist Barry Molloy of Dublin University told Smithsonian magazine.

He started a battle that no one had expected since the Bronze Age

What has been found in the Tollens River has been explored by scientists since 1996, when an Amatra archaeologist found a bone there. With more and more finds, they understood that they had something to do with their discovery. While most of the Bronze Age archaeological evidence comes from the cemetery or the monuments of that time, it was still obvious that Tollensk found a stronger history.

And not just any. The force that took place in the northeast of Germany was massive and could last for many hours. It was a mass, mass battle that required full and organization. If our hypothesis is that all the findings relate to a single event, first of all, we are concerned with the conflict, its extent was still unknown to the north of the Alps, said it in 2016 for Science magazine Thomas Terberger, who led the research. He added: There is nothing that the battle could be compared to.

Compared to the much more advanced civilizations at the Near Entrance and in Greece, society in the Bronze Age was considered backward. And thus incapable of large-scale organization or coordinated force in the dark. We considered in the intentions the invasion of small groups of him who killed and stole food. It is very surprising to imagine such a battle for the presses, added the Berlin archaeologist Svend Hansen three years ago.

Prehistoric societies from Europe have long been considered nensiln rebels. Therefore, archaeologists initially considered the finds at Tollens to be a burial ground, which collapsed into one city due to erosion. He worked and research confirmed that the remains of the patents who had fallen in battle.

And it became clear that they were not just warriors. Not only in the found bones, the scientists poured, for example, bronze and flint lips, many of them bore the marks of the elderly, but they were also injured. The fight at Tollens thus became the last battle for some members, but it was definitely not their first. They had fighting experiences. They entered the battle as if he knew the vlen. In addition, surprisingly armed, with brnnm and tty. They were not soldiers who would engage in skirmishes once a year. These were professional fighters, Terberger said.

The question that afflicted the researchers knew: was the massacre just a big family, clan local dispute, or was it a military event of vast geographical significance? Were the warriors a city, or did they drink their wall from a long time? And from where? And if the original leader was surprised that finding a revealed battlefield, even expanding the battlefield, she came as a surprise and the following research would not yet provide one hundred percent clear answers.

A new fight could have come from the bottom of them

Years ago, researchers drank with the hypothesis, according to them, there was only one army, while the other drank from other parts of Europe. Indeed, a chemical analysis confirmed this according to a study from the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences in 2017. Most of them drank from him for a long time, summed up the archaeologist Helle Vandkilde.

The analysis of the isotopes of strontium, carbon and nitrogen in the teeth of one-fifty of the one hundred and thirty fights found in the battle divided the veins into two armds. One was a city, the other, diverse, came from the south, from somewhere in the area of ​​Central Europe, the strongest tip of the leader was the area of ​​the lower western part.

Then the leaders of the origin of the foreign invaders also tried to identify the help of the found objects and artifacts, which represented the personal ownership of the fighters. Among them were, for example, pieces of bronze, long, long case, pendulums, p-tips, and bronze fragments. According to the Gizmodo server, many objects correspond to the Bronze Age finds in areas of other German and now the Czech Republic. First of all, the invaders could drink to the colossus of the battle of the Tollens River.

Even the latest research supports the version, according to our findings in the Tollens Valley on the widespread conflict of supra-regional flora, summarize the findings of the authors in the study in Antiquity magazine.

Bronze as currency, battle as a point of change

Tm vak mon pouen z nlez konit. Pieces of bronze and long with traces that may indicate that the owner used it for similarly similar pieces, according to the evidence that the metal was used as currency. Pieces of bronze and copper began to appear as a wound form of me. Although it took centuries, the people decided not to standardize it, l server Ars Technica. We consider it a mouthful of pbhu about the early currency of the Bronze Age people, to Terberger in Smitshonian magazine. He emphasized to Science: The fact that they had the opportunity to trade with each other in this way is something new.

Why did they go from an area hundreds of kilometers away to a dangerous march full of force and risk of death? What was the Tollense militia in the military conflict? Archaeologist Kristian Kristiansen of the University of Gothenburg explains that the time was an epoch of great turbulence. Shortly after the Battle of Tollens, a scattered, isolated settlement in the area of ​​northern northern Germany unleashed a path of concentration, a time of fortified communication. According to him, our battle will be a time of full-fledged strong conflict.

It is the first evidence of a turning point, a turning point in the history of social organization and in Europe, the approval of Vandkilde in the journal Science.

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